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OMG~ Ji Hyo dating? Anyway, best wishes and hope that she's happy!~ Yet again, to all the shippers; she's still not yet married so there's still hope~Monday couple votes are currently still staying strong!
- Monday couple reborn in Ep106
- Ep 98 Spoiler
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- Ep91 Spoiler-winner
- NEWS:Is JH leaving RM?
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- Attention on Jackal..
- Ep85 Current filming pictures | Guests
- Ep84 Current filming pictures | Guests
- Ep82 Raw video | spoiler | news
- Past audition picture
- Happy Valentine's Day
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- Translation for Ep81 Gary's letter to MongJi
- Ep82 preview
- Ep 81 Spoiler | Raw Video
- Yesse full collection
- RM first time filming after scandal
- Ep83 current filming and guest [Lots more pictures been added]
- Ep82 current filming & guest
- Ep80 Spoiler | news | Raw video | Others
- Ep81 Preview
- Gwangsu's shocking past
- Upcoming filming location but will aired on 12th Feb replacing the prior filming? 1 | 2
- Ep80 - 2 more pictures added
- Really just an act? This is how Gary addressed this issue. 1 | 2 | 3
- Haha's tweet- [link updated]
- Facing the truth!
- - voting poll had just being added. Just curious!{right column}
- Views on why celebrities end up with their boss
- Gary tweeted
- Where she belongs?
- PD predicts some changes
- Just as said before-her ideal type!
- What will happen to RM's monday couple? PD replied regarding the question.
- This is him [more pictures updated]
- News from different sources 1 | 2 | 3 | Confirmed
- Pictures
- Ep81 Current filming pictures, guest star ~ false alarm?!
- Gary's Europe Trip [updated pictures]
RM [Current hot topic]
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Ace Sparta shippers
Hello again SpartAce shippers! I found some pictures that I want to share.. sorry if some of them are repost.. 
My favourite scene ever..

Sparta n Ace in puppet costume.. so cutee!

They look so closeee

Pose together

Looks like Kookie said, "Ji Hyo yah, I'm the right man.."

And Suk Jin said, "Here's the new couple.."

And SpartAce couple live happily ever after...
Okey. Delusional enough.. hehehehehe..
Good nite and happy Shipping!
Credit: basketenmc isubs

My favourite scene ever..

Sparta n Ace in puppet costume.. so cutee!

They look so closeee

Pose together

Looks like Kookie said, "Ji Hyo yah, I'm the right man.."

And Suk Jin said, "Here's the new couple.."

And SpartAce couple live happily ever after...

Okey. Delusional enough.. hehehehehe..
Good nite and happy Shipping!

Credit: basketenmc isubs
kjk pictures
Ep77 haha moment

i like this picture...they're just so happy...haish....i wish i can see them like that every episode...

Source: secret couple(haha&jihyo) facebook, Hanjuno isubs
Haha's similar expression

Lol both do look alike.. cute expression~
Source: Hanjuno isubs
Survey results...
A survey has been done on which artists- male and female to be accompany for a cup of coffee. The result came out where MC Yoo Jae Suk came in 1st (male) at 34% and Song Ji Hyo came in 1st (female) at 18.3%.
Approximately 1000 adults were being survey that includes male and female. About 28.1% were voted by adults at the age of 20s, 36.8% at the age of 30s , 38.5% at the age of 40s, as well as the 50s (32.8%).
Followed behind Song Ji Hyo, it's IU with 15.8% ranked second and third respectively.
The rest of the article will not be translated. (my translation)
Approximately 1000 adults were being survey that includes male and female. About 28.1% were voted by adults at the age of 20s, 36.8% at the age of 30s , 38.5% at the age of 40s, as well as the 50s (32.8%).
Followed behind Song Ji Hyo, it's IU with 15.8% ranked second and third respectively.
The rest of the article will not be translated. (my translation)
older news
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Leessang’s Gary chosen as the most thoughtful ‘Running Man’ cast member
Netizens chose
The new movie ‘I Don’t Know How She Does It‘ conducted a survey on an online community site January 15th asking netizens, ‘Which ‘Running Man’ member do you think would be infinitely thoughtful and considerate towards his stressed out girlfriend?’
There was a lot of competition, but Gary seized more than half the votes with 51% to place 1st.
It looks as though the sweet and well-mannered side that he reveals when with fellow ‘Running Man’ member Song Ji Hyo has captured the hearts of viewers and netizens alike.
He once pulled the car seat back so that Song Ji Hyo could get her rest, and asked the viewers to understand as she has been really tired filming her drama. His thoughtful actions towards her only brewed jealousy amongst viewers watching the program.
Behind Gary was national MC Yoo Jae Suk who seized 36% of the votes, followed by Kim Jong Gook and HaHa who both earned 7%.
Meanwhile, the movie ‘I Don’t Know How She Does It’ starring Sarah Jessica Parker who plays the role of a multi-tasking mom and fund manager debuts in Korea February 2nd.
Source & Image : OSEN
older news
Gary going to Europe with...?
Gary won a trip to Europe on the episode of SBS Running Man Christmas Special. However, it was reported that he will be leaving with his best friend (his manager). He will be leaving for Germany on 21th January.
Apart from that, there is a catch for this trip as the camera will be following his every move in Europe.
So, we get to see how Gary enjoys his trip with all the language barriers he needs to face as well as the culture shocks on the upcoming broadcast of SBS Running Man.

Source:enewsworld (Rewrite to my paraphrase), RM Monday couple facebook image]
Apart from that, there is a catch for this trip as the camera will be following his every move in Europe.
So, we get to see how Gary enjoys his trip with all the language barriers he needs to face as well as the culture shocks on the upcoming broadcast of SBS Running Man.

Source:enewsworld (Rewrite to my paraphrase), RM Monday couple facebook image]
older news
Leessang Gary Beats MC Yoo Jae Suk in a Poll

Gary from hip-hop duo Leessang beat Korea’s favorite MC Yoo Jae Suk in a recent online poll, coming in 1st place as the “nicest” boyfriend a girl can have.
Between January 9th through January 15th, a special online poll was created in promotion for the upcoming release of American film, ‘I Don’t Know How She Does It,’ featuring Sarah Jessica Parker. The poll asked the online community to vote “Which male celebrity from Running Man would always be nice to his girlfriend?”
Despite some tough competition, Gary came out on top with the majority of the votes – a whopping 51%! Gary won most of netizens’ votes due all the romantic deeds and considerate manners he has shown for his “Monday girlfriend” Song Ji Hyo on SBS Running Man. Meanwhile, MC Yoo Jae Suk came in 2nd place (36%), followed by Kim Jong Kook and Haha in 3rd place (7% each).
The translated version of American film ‘I Don’t Know How She Does It,’ which has be renamed as ‘Woman Running in High Heels,’ will be released in Korea on February 2nd.
(Source: OSEN)
older news
RM Titanic scene

Song song couple's titanic scene..

"The two lonely boys- Gary and Haha..."
LOL such hilarious scene...
Source: shinee-girl-london tumblr
Running man
Yoo Jae Suk, Kim Jong Kook, and Gary. They’ve been paired up with…

Running Man Spoiler photos have been released by the truckload.
The spoiler photos have been posted on an online community board on the 17th. The poster stated that the ‘Running Man’ filming took place in Chungcheongnam-do Asan-si Waeam Folk Village on the 16th. There he/she saw actress Go Ara, Lim Soo Hyang, and T-ara’s Hyomin.
The poster also added that the mission seemed to have paired the male casts with the female guests. Lending credibility were the photos of Yoo Jae Suk-Lim Soo Hyang pair, Kim Jong Kook-Go Ara pair, and Gary-Hyomin pair, who were either near or approaching their respective vehicles.
Song Ji Hyo is also seen walking barefoot with a bright smile on her face. The poster stated, “They all came back barefoot from a mission”, explaining why Song Ji Hyo was seen barefoot.
Yoo Jae Suk was hastely readying to move to the next destination but he didn’t forget to wave to the poster and his friend. Yoo Jae Suk even let them know he was leading the mission. The poster wrote, “That was definitely the Yoo Jae Suk I always heard of, my friend and I were impressed”.
To the spoiler photos the netizens commented, “Lim Soo Hyang has been singing that she wanted to be on ‘Running Man’, she got her wish”, “I wish I were that lucky”, “What sort of mission would have you walk barefoot?”, “That’s why he’s the national MC”, and so on.
Source: TV Report via Nate
RM ep news
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