This from ep58 and ep65

Jongkook call mongji and not his bestfriend taehyun

Jihyo make a wrong call to jongkook (maybe becaz he and jongkook call each other a lot)

Okay here my delusion.
I'm notice that jongkook oppa seems often texting someone during filming (especially in a easy mission)

and bcz ep58 and ep65 that i showed to u before.
I'm kinda feels that the one he texting is jihyo !!!

So....what do u think, buddy ????

Sorry i don't know how to make a spoiler.
Last screencap is from recent episode.
After he texting someone, he seems little upset or mad
Okay, he still smile or laugh but u can still fell her madness
Maybe he really texting jihyo about how jihyo looks really happy with siwon-minho
And jihyo answer that jongkook was right, she feel happy team up with siwon-minho (i mean, came on, his happiness is so obvious)
After that, jongkook feel upset but he try to hiding it
Okay maybe I'm in my delusion but that make sense right ?!

Cr: Cherly isubs
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