At first i think that jihyo honest about haha's message
But when i watch it, i think jihyo lie (well maybe haha really send a message but not about love. Thats time is during crishmas or new years eve, everyone send a message to his/her friend at that moment)
Jihyo's expression when said 'sarang', thats the same expression when she lie in china part 2
Here when she said 'sarang'
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/c2FyYW5nLmdpZg.gif)
And here in china
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/amkuZ2lm.gif)
Similar right
Everyone have they own indicator that she/he lie or not
Like gary that not being able look at oponent's eye or gwangsu that make awkward expression and smile
Just like mackica said, haha always looked back to jongkook and jongkook expression is ......
He still keep his force smile with a sadness eye
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/ZXllLkpQRw.jpg)
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/am9uZ2tvb2suSlBH.jpg)
U know what guys ??
Sometimes i feel they are flirting each other
Like when they did in this ep
Jongkook folowing jihyo going to upstage and make a joke to her
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/a29va2h5bzEuZ2lm.gif)
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/a29va2h5bzIuZ2lm.gif)
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/a29va2h5bzMuZ2lm.gif)
Or like when uee come.
This suppose to be MC moment
U know, jihyo want to split team and jongkook framed her just wanted together with gary
But seriously .... Why are you two talking in the cute way ??
that looks like they are flirting
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/YW5pZ2lmLmdpZg.gif)
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/amloeW8uZ2lm-2.gif)
I found something in jeju special
(i rewatch it again and again coz i start feel something fishy between spartace in this ep
Jongkook is talking with jihyo
and then suddenly he realized that camera is shoot around him
so he stop talking to jihyo and turning round to jaesuk
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/cmVhbGlzZS5naWY.gif)
And the last is ......
our spartace in the 'mong' mode
Look at jongkook face !!
Really similar to mong jihyo
Not only jihyo that 'mong' huh ?!
Ough.... Cute
![Posted Image](http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g398/cherlyoey/bW9uZyBmYWNlLmpwZw.jpg)
Credit: cherly isubs
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